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Medically referred to as videonystagmography, VNG is a testing solution used to establish if a vestibular (inner ear) disease is the root cause of your balance problem and symptoms of dizziness.   Your balance function assessment will include a number of steps where your ability to follow visual objects will be noted, along with your eye response to information from the vestibular system. During this non-invasive procedure, our hearing care specialist will fit you with infrared goggles in order to monitor your eye movements.

1. Ocular Motor Testing

During the first phase of evaluation, you will be asked to follow a red light while a member of our audiology team surveys your eye movement and central nervous system.

2. Positional Testing

In order to analyse the central nervous system and balance organs of your inner ear, our audiologist will ask you to stage yourself in a variety of poses. These will range from sitting to lying down and turning your head in different directions - all while your eyes are recorded.

3. Caloric Testing

The final and most important phase of the examination will evaluate if the balance organs of the inner ear are functioning appropriately. A member of our hearing care team will position you comfortably on your back before stimulating each ear with cold air followed intermittently by puffs of warm air in one minute intervals. You may feel the symptoms of vertigo during this examination due to a change of temperature in the ear. It is completely normal to experience these short spells of dizziness, and you will feel better shortly after the procedure is completed.
Based on the results of the above examinations, our audiology team will be able to make a diagnosis and advise on the best course action in regards to the treatment and management of your symptoms. However, if the results are deemed inconclusive, further probing may be required.