We understand that your journey to better hearing is one of the most important things you will do. We also understand that our relationship and the things that we do have a great effect on the outcome of that journey. With this in mind we are making a number of commitments to you, our patients:
We commit to taking a comprehensive case history, to perform a thorough otological and audiological evaluation, and quantify any hearing loss. We commit to referring to other professionals where appropriate. We commit to providing an easy to understand explanation of the results of the assessment to the client and any partners on hand to provide support. All audiological testing will be carried out to agreed international standards, in an acoustically appropriate environment. All measurement equipment will be calibrated to current standards.
We commit to assessing your motivation, dexterity, cognitive ability and occupational demands, prior to implementing any agreed management plan.
We commit to identifying your specific communication needs, to assess pre-treatment limitation using appropriate measurement instruments (questionnaires etc.) prior to implementing any agreed management plan.
We commit to selecting hearing instruments and assistive devices based on your full assessment results.
We commit to check all hearing instruments and assistive devices for proper function and performance in advance of the fitting appointment.
We commit to use probe microphone measurements to assess appropriate functioning of hearing instruments on the ear, to ensure the fitting is optimised for the your requirements. Relevant best practice protocols for Live Speech Mapping are followed.
We commit to ensure that you are provided with the appropriate level of education and training to maximise your benefit from hearing instruments, taking into account all of the results from the assessment process.
We commit to provide a comprehensive follow up and rehabilitation programme for you to mitigate the effects of hearing reduction, and to use tactical strategies and amplification where appropriate.
We commit to quantify the effects that the individual management plan, and associated treatment have had on the your overall communication ability, by revisiting the self-assessment questionnaires administered prior to treatment.
We embrace the principles of best practice in Audiology and agree that integrating best practice into our daily work provides a better experience for our clients.
We understand that Audiology is a field of constant change and innovation and we support the principles of lifelong learning to ensure we are best positioned to implement any future changes. We additionally understand the value of reflective practice and will utilise this in our day-to-day contact with clients.
We agree that maintaining service standards is an essential element of best practice, and we commit to the continuing participation in the Consultant Approved Centres programme.